Thursday, April 10, 2008

# 38 of the 95 Thesis

"Human communities are based on discourse—on human speech about human concerns."

This thesis struck a cord with me, as a communication major. We (all Comm majors) have studied for 4 years (give or take a couple) to master the art of communication in every realm we could possibly learn, or what was being offered that semester...
We have a huge advantage to most in this realm as well, the new social media. Before this class, I was fairly unaware of the conversations going on via blogs, network cites, etc. Now being more informed I feel as I have become a part of the conversation, maybe not as much as others, but much more than every before.
We have the opportunity to take what we have learned in all classes, including this one, and put it to use so that companies are no longer corporations that can't be touched. Most are realizing slowly but surely that they have to begin to communicate with their customers on a different level. A human level that provides a two way conversation instead of statements and ads. I am excited about reaching the career world at this time because so much is changing and I feel that we have a leg up on that change and are willing to keep learning about new ways to bridge the gap between company and consumer

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